(Download) Word Template for Interrogatories and Answers

-Adriana Linares, Member Technology Officer, SDCBA
It’s TechTuesday and you deserve another template! Last week we shared a “complex” legal document set up with reference tables (TOC, TOA) numbered with roman numerals, arabic numbers on the body of the document, and an appendix or exhibit section with custom page numbering. You can read about and download that template here.
This week, I’ve created another simple document template a typical looking rogs doc. The rogs number is automatically generated and after you tap “Enter” it will automatically add an “Answer” paragraph (no number). I’ve defaulted the font to Times New Roman on this one but you can easily change the default font and that will domino down to the other Styles in the documents. Styles!? Yes, the template is designed with a small set of Styles (Interrogatory, Answer, Quote, and Body Text.
If you are looking to learn more about Styles be sure to attend our two-part, in-person workshops at the Bar. If you are a member of SDCBA, you can make an appointment with me for some one-on-one help with this template or one of your own!