Lawyer Impairment: What Is A Law Firm To Do? | Conn Kavanaugh | JDSupra

Lawyer Impairment: What Is A Law Firm To Do? | Conn Kavanaugh | JDSupra

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, many law firms implemented remote work systems.  While this move was made to protect the physical health of law firm employees, it has made it more difficult to recognize and assess mental health issues that might interfere with a lawyer’s ability to practice law.  Despite the prevalence of remote work, law firms remain responsible for monitoring the activities of their lawyers and other employees, and to take action if it becomes apparent that a colleague is suffering from an impairment that could lead to a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct.  Prompt action by the firm can protect the interests of the firm’s clients, while also ensuring that the affected employee obtains appropriate help.

Read more: Lawyer Impairment: What Is A Law Firm To Do? | Conn Kavanaugh – JDSupra