Migrating Data Through Workflows is What eDiscovery is All About: eDiscovery Best Practices | eDiscovery Today

Migrating Data Through Workflows is What eDiscovery is All About: eDiscovery Best Practices | eDiscovery Today

How do I know that migrating data through workflows is what eDiscovery is all about?  Because it’s reflected in the EDRM model!  Most people notice the nine phases from Information Governance through Presentation, but a lot of people don’t notice the shadings at the bottom of the model reflecting diminishing Volume and increasing Relevance as you move data through the life cycle.  According to this latest article from Compliance, the workflows for migrating data can vary widely, depending on the type of data being migrated.

Read more: Migrating Data Through Workflows is What eDiscovery is All About: eDiscovery Best Practices – eDiscovery Today by Doug Austin