Tech Tuesday: 5 Trends and Opportunities in Tech for Solo and Small Firm Attorneys + An #AMA with Dan Lear – SDCBA Calendar
Dan Lear, Chief Investigator, Right Brain Law
Dan Lear, of Right Brain Law, is a lawyer, consultant, and legal technology evangelist. Most recently the Director of Industry Relations at the legal marketplace Avvo Dan lives at and works closely with others at the intersection of law and technology. At this Tech Tuesday, Dan will bring five trends and opportunities that solos and smalls should be aware of in the new, rapidly changing technology ecosystem. Bring your questions and your thinking caps and an open mind, because this session will open your eyes to new opportunities for your practice today and possibilities for your practice tomorrow.
This program will be available live in person and via live webcast
Register: Tech Tuesday: 5 Trends and Opportunities in Tech for Solo and Small Firm Attorneys + An #AMA with Dan Lear – SDCBA Calendar